Obtaining a car loan after bankruptcy is achievable, but often requires research and effort. Indy Auto Man makes bankruptcy car financing in Indiana easier. Check the strategies you can use to enhance your likelihood of loan approval at Indianapolis used car dealerships or apply online right now:
Bankruptcy is a necessary measure for those who find themselves in a difficult financial situation and can no longer pay loans. However, life does not stop after bankruptcy — practice shows that bankrupts can restore their credit history and apply for loans. The two most prevalent types of laws for individuals that help you in gaining a car loan are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13.
Bankruptcy is a legal procedure that allows you to get rid of debts. Although banks are wary of borrowers with a history of bankruptcy, they still trust former bankrupt more than chronic defaulters with open delinquencies or current court collections.
Moreover, if we compare the situation with bankruptcy and delinquencies on loans, the first option is much better for two main reasons:
Most banks are willing to consider applications for a car loan from borrowers with a history of bankruptcy. In doing so, they will take into account:
Confirmed regular income is one of the main factors forming the bank's decision. You can’t do without it even if you weren’t in bankruptcy, but you should remember to improve your credit history as well.
Indy Auto Man helps customers in or out of Chapter 13 bankruptcy obtain the best car financing deal in Indiana. We work with CapitalOne, the bank that can approve borrowers with discharged bankruptcy (out of BK), or CPS, Prestige, GLS. And collaborating with Westlake Bank on applications from people who haven't completed Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
We can even help customers from other states to get car financing after bankruptcy, contact our financial department for more details.
Getting a car loan after bankruptcy is a tricky but doable task. After all, sometimes bankruptcy is a necessary step towards financial recovery. This procedure takes time and demands patience and effort, but it is much easier to follow with the assistance of knowledgeable specialists.
If you have doubts or questions about bankruptcy car financing in Indiana, the IAM financial experts are ready to help you sort them out. Get a free consultation or approval already today!